Different activities are organized to foster the construction of a community sense among the members of the scientific diaspora, while allowing for discussions on important subjects for the advancement of science, technology and innovation in Brazil.


The Diaspora Conferences are an excellent opportunity for gathering all the professionals working with science, technology and innovation in Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia. At these events, topics of interest are discussed by the members of the diaspora, followed by a networking opportunity. 

In September 2020, the Brazilian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations, Marcos Pontes, participated in the 1st Conference of Scientific Diaspora in Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia.


Establishing and strengthening a network of contacts in the STI fields is one of the main purposes of the mobilization of the diaspora. The Brazilian professionals abroad are an excellent contact point for those seeking opportunities in other countries and may work as bridge-builders between Brazilian and foreign institutions.


Organized in an open format, the dialogues help foster the debate around the mobilization of the scientific diaspora while allowing for an inclusive participation. A short presentation by a guest speaker is followed by a section of Q&A, where all those attending may also share their views on the subject being discussed.